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BlueCross BlueShield Dentist – Hackensack, NJ

Learn More About the Benefits of BlueCross BlueShield

Do you have a dental insurance plan through BlueCross BlueShield (BCBS)? Whether you purchased your plan on your own or have it through your workplace, you can view it as a valuable asset. Not only can it allow you to enjoy low-cost preventive services, but it may also come in handy for those times when your smile needs some restorative TLC. How can you get the most out of your plan? As an in-network BlueCross BlueShield dentist in Hackensack, the team at Anderson Dental Center is ready to assist you.

BlueCross BlueShield Coverage Availability & Fees

Dental patient relaxing in treatment chair

Every dental insurance plan is a little different. It would be wise to take a bit of time to familiarize yourself with the details of your specific BlueCross BlueShield policy. In the meantime, we can provide a basic overview of the coverage that is standard with many PPO dental policies:

  • Preventive care, including cleanings and exams, is often up to 100% covered.
  • Minor services, such as fillings, are usually around 80% covered.
  • Major treatments, often including crowns and dentures, are frequently up to 50% covered.

Your plan may have other details as well. For example, there may be a waiting period before you are eligible for certain types of coverage. You may also have a deductible that you must pay each year before your benefits kick in. Annual maximums are common, too; an annual maximum is a yearly limit on how much your insurer will pay for approved services.

Because we are in-network with BCBS, you may enjoy lower out-of-pocket expenses when you visit us, as opposed to when you visit an out-of-network practice. We can also suggest strategies to help you maximize your benefits. For example, we can sometimes schedule major treatments across calendar years so you can utilize two annual maximums instead of only one.

Meet the Team

Smiling dentist and team member standing back-to-back

Our friendly front desk team is eager to help you get the greatest value possible out of your BlueCross BlueShield dental insurance policy. We have extensive experience in dealing with the ins and outs of insurance, and we would love to put our expertise to work for you!

With your policy information on-hand, call our office. We can verify your benefits, explain how they apply to various services, and assist you with finding answers to your questions. When you receive treatment, we will file all claims in a timely manner and take care of any necessary follow-ups with BCBS. We want to make the process of using your insurance as low-stress as possible!